Update #003 - Happy holidays!
TLDR - (short version)
We participated in FiBANs Pitch Finland event, we've moved our website platform and have made significant improvements to the software platform used in Vext. We've hand delivered over 2500 flyers and were nominated to The Tech Arena 2024 / Incubator Stars Challenge! Happy holidays from the team at Vext!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
After another busy week of raising funds, developing Vext and hand-delivering over 2500 flyers we're here to give you another update.
FiBAN Pitch Finland
Vext was invited through Kiuas to pitch at FiBAN x Kiuas, together with a handful of other great Kiuas startups. One of the Kiuas startups would then be selected to pitch at the main event later that day. I was the last one of the Kiuas startups to pitch, and after my 5 minute pitch followed by 2 minutes for questions, it was time for a short break while the jury decided who would continue to the main event. A handful of nice conversations later it was time to announce the winner, a very difficult decision that boiled down to which startup was at the most investable stage... And the Kiuas startup to continue on to the main event is.... Vext!
This was a big win for us as we'd get to pitch for around 100 Angel investors, the event was really awesome, me and Niklas met many interesting people, and as the evening went on the conversations only got better.
Research & Development
We've also been hard at work with developing Vext and one of the core improvements has been Vincent wrapping up the transition to a more capable software platform, enabling us to get rid of many of the limitations of the lats platform.
2500 flyers and counting
As we're constantly looking for new customers our most recent experiment was hand delivering over 2500 flyers to areas we believe could be interested in Vext. We still have many flyers left so we'll actually get to work with that right after writing this!
New website platform
After realizing our old website platform simply didn't meet our high standards we moved platforms, it took a few days of hard work, but now we're ready to roll again!
PS. Current order holders, your account information has not been moved over, rest assured we'll keep you updated on your orders. We'll be in touch with you to gather expectations and any things you'd like from Vext.
Tech arena 2024
We're happy to announce we've been nominated by Kiuas to The Tech Arena 2024 / Incubator Stars Challenge! We've sent in our application and are now eagerly waiting for the final results!
Happy holidays from the team at Vext! We’ll keep you updated every other Monday!
- Christian
Co-founder & CEO at Vext Oy